Monday, April 13, 2015

You Know You're a Woman Running for President if...

Feminism is the idea that our society sees men as dominate over woman, and that masculine qualities are favored over feminine qualities, and that’s not cool. With this ideology, women struggle with the choice of being tough (more masculine) or tender (more feminine). We are seeing more and more women in leadership roles because of their tough, take charge mentality. This however is still not good enough sometimes because then the woman is called “Bossy.” Well, you can’t please everyone.  
Feminism has gotten a lot of attention lately, both good and bad. Good because real change is happening throughout the US creating more equality in things like jobs. Bad because there seem to be several different levels of feminism, and the more extreme forms are bifurcating women in the overall feminist movement. There is even an anti-feminist movements created by women who don’t agree with the more extreme feminist views. Here is a link to the Women Against Feminism Tumblr page:
So right now, we have a woman running for president. Hillary Clinton just officially announced her second go at the white house just this past Sunday.  She is a great representation of a feminist. She is constantly surrounded by men in powerful positions, and she is able to hold her own. She herself has held powerful positions, and who knows, might be the first female president after this next election. But no matter how strong a feminist she is, if she waivers in her dominant image, she is open to scrutiny.  Below is a video of Hilary Clinton in 2008, during her presidential run, when she teared up during an interview:

After this interview, she got a lot of scrutiny, and people even questioned if she was too emotional for the white house. I’m not saying I plan to vote for her, but I think that emotion is not a bad thing, and shouldn't be seen as it. I think a combination of both masculine and feminine qualities will make the most balanced leader, regardless of their gender. I’m interested to see if she will be scrutinized again this year if she shows emotion like that again.

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